"Not Looking," a series currently in development by Ahmad Maksoud, Jonathan Burke, and Delius Doherty, spawned after the summer of 2020. It was a summer like no other: one that renewed our conviction for social justice, that catalyzed a reexamining of our own racial and sexual identities, and that brought unexpected solidarity, camaraderie, and adventure.
"Not Looking" centers three newly single gay men of color in New York City, who agree to temporarily halt their pursuit of partnership, move in together, and focus on personal and collective growth. It examines themes often neglected by television: the first generation American experience, colorism, and the nuances of racism.
So why should you watch? Well, because of us. Because of the authenticity of our lived experience. Because as gay men, as men of color, as men born from immigrants, we are people who have always had to leave behind some part of our identity in order to advance our dreams. We hope that by representing ourselves bare, we can inspire further acceptance of those who dare to live at their maximum capacity along with us.
“Not Looking” is witty, sexy, and bold. We can’t wait for the world to share in this celebration of Black and Brown queerness with us!